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Showing posts from December, 2013

Comments on Are We to Honor a Narcissistic Mother? by Gail Meyers

April 2018: Coming soon, Tactics II: The "Christian" Narcissist by Gail Meyers and KC3Lady , Narcissism: Echo Apologetics on Facebook - 2018.

Dysfunctional Family Roles

These are the rigid family roles that develop in dysfunctional families.  This video by Jef Gazley relates to alcoholic family systems, which is often an issue for the parents or the adult children of a narcissist, or both.  In my experience this is very helpful to understand and many of the same ideas also apply if the core issue is mental illness in a parent too.   Parent(s) There is a dysfunction, such as addiction or mental illness of the parent that requires these roles to form.  The parent is not functioning as parent in meeting the needs of the children in a healthy way.  Inside the children are often angry , insecure and do not feel good enough.    Inverted parenting is a hallmark of an alcoholic family, as well as in a family with a narcissistic personality disordered mother.  This situation causes post traumatic stress disorder.  None of the children are getting their emotional needs met in a healthy way....

Sons of Narcissistic Personality Disordered Mothers

Sons of Narcissistic Mothers Resources Echo Scapegoat Recovery Tactics Facebook Page © by Gail Meyers This is in honor of my late brother, the son of a narcissistic personality disordered mother .  It is in honor of his memory, as well as to inform those who so easily dismiss sons of narcissistic mothers as not enduring the wrath of a narcissist mother as severely as daughters do.  I beg to differ with you. My brother had a heart of gold and deeply loved his family.  He was the kind of man who would give you the shirt off of his back if you needed it.  He was known for his heart of gold.  It was his biggest asset.  It may also have been his biggest downfall, second only to his own mother.  My late brother was taken from us only months after our narcissistic mother died .  Their deaths stand in as stark of contrast as their hearts.  She was completely self-centered, immature, manipulative and dishonest, but masqu...

Christmas with Narcissistic Personality Disordered Mother

© by Gail Meyers Thank you for all of your comments on this article over the years. I am going to try to preserve the comments, although the hackers trash everything even though they have been repeatedly reported. Christmas with Narcissistic Personality Disordered Mother is now Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday Celebrations with a Narcissistic Family of Origin Join us on Facebook at Narcissism: Echo Apologetics