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Showing posts from August, 2019

Update on Narcissism: Echo Apologetics by Gail Meyers and KC3Lady on Hubpages

Narcissism: Echo Apologetics on Facebook All of the latest from Narcissism: Echo Apologetics 2019 with Gail Meyers and KC3Lady including an update regarding Narcissism: Echo Apologetics on Facebook (previously Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother Facebook Resource Page) at the end of this posting. The Sins of the Fathers by KC3Lady Drive out the scoffer, and contention will go out, even strife and dishonor will cease. - Proverbs 22:10 There once was a young man who was dear to my heart. He aspired to become a pastor. Unfortunately, it appears the deadly cults and their members targeted him as a teenager. Over the following decades every aspect of his young life came under relentless attack, always with the goal of the victim internalizing the blame. One aspect of this take down campaign includes grinding their mangled scripture of the Holy Bible into his very heart and soul, determined to crush his faith and spirit, along with his mind and body. This you