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Showing posts from March, 2019

Narcissism: Echo Apologetics 2019 Expansion of Topics - Gail Meyers and KC3Lady

Narcissism: Echo Apologetics 2019 Update July 18, 2019: I am once again able to access this account after not being able to since April. If I remain in control of this account we will be reviewing the YouTube videos for hacks, etc. Also, it appears our Google Comunity "went away." However, we remain locked out of our Facebook account as has been the case for the last few months. Find us on Hubpages at Gail Meyers and KC3Lady . Google has informed us that our Google+ account that we only created due to the insistence that Google+ author authenticity was going to be required for online authors, complete with their photos displaying next to the article, are "going away." So now years of time and energy invested in raising awareness are also "going away." This includes the YouTube videos with 3,700 followers (which were scraped, hacked and redated), the Blogger blogs (that were hacked relentlessly), and the Google+ Community we were still in...