Get to the core of the shiny red apple! April 2018: Join Gail Meyers and KC3Lady back on Hubpages and Narcissism: Echo Apologetics . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sparkster 22 months ago from Here To Eternity Level 6 Commenter Very interesting and informative. People often fail to realize the extent of this disorder. It took me a long time (over a decade) to realize that my (ex)partner would never admit the truth to me or apologize for her actions even when I was on my deathbed because of the abuse (and abuse by proxy). Naima Manal 18 months ago from NY It must be very difficult for a child to emerge from this experience without scars. But I hope that many people with this experience are able to find wholeness and closure while maintaining what is important to them from their families, even if it is at a distance. aviannovice 6 months ago fro...