Narcissistic Abuse: Legal Awareness on Narcissism: Echo Apologetics by Gail Meyers and KC3Lady - 2018 Update December 2018: Join Gail Meyers and KC3Lady on Narcissism: Echo Apologetics on Facebook. Here is an update on KC3Lady trying to report multiple perpetrator stalkers for years now. Find Gail on Hubpages . Find KC3Lady on Hubpages . ----------------------------------- Update April 2018: The options were hacked off of this site shortly after it was created as has been the case on other sites, for years, but there still has not been one discernible thing done about it after reporting it to police multiple times for years. Update December 4, 2017: The hacking, stalking, and cyberstalking have not subsided. However, Gail's articles are in the process of being moved back to Hubpages, slowly but surely due to the extenuating circumstances. Unbelievably, commentary is still being received regarding the theft of my book regarding the stalkers int...
Information and Validation for Sons and Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers.