Narcissistic Mother Playing the Victim While Vilifying True Victims © by Gail Meyers First, a brief discussion of manipulation with pity, followed by an example of a pity ploy con for money. Then, a more in-depth discussion of narcissistic mother playing the victim while vilifying true victims, followed by a closer look at what this accomplishes for the narcissist. Finally, learning to recognize narcissistic mother’s victim stunt so you can keep your head out of the washing machine! Truly, it helps so much to recognize the maneuver, which will then allow you to anticipate the moves ahead of time. It is also helpful and healing to be able to not only recognize the tactic of playing the victim while vilifying true victims, but to name it, and be able to articulate it. Read the full article Narcissistic Mother Playing the Victim While Vilifying True Victims . Also find us on Facebook at Narcissism: Echo Apologetics