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Comments on Trauma Bonding with a Narcissistic Mother

    Join Gail and KC3Lady on Facebook at Narcissism: Echo Apologetics.


    1. You are an incredibly insightful survivor of NM abuse. I just found your blog last night and have spent several hours reading quite a few of your posts. You have articulated so eloquently the nuanced as well as the overt tactics used by the completely corrupted minds of the narcissistic mother.

      My own NM died on the 7th of March, nine days ago. I sat with her for nineteen hours and witnessed no tenderness, love, or spiritual goodness in the passing. In fact, it's possible that the spark of life that belongs to God was quickly returned, as the body wound down like a machine, left behind without a soul.

      Everything you write is accurate and true about these people (I wanted to write 'aliens,' or creatures.)

      In the last seven months of wrangling my NM, I tried to think like a WWII resistance fighter: I did whatever it took to minimize the damage, ward off trouble, protect others from her poison, and protect myself. I took care of her for me. I wanted to prove to myself that I was not like her, and, more importantly, I honor humanity enough that I would not allow any physical suffering, like she caused me as a child. In doing so, I felt like I did not restrain the judgement of God that she would eventually face. I felt more civilized than she was.

      I'm not sure if this was the right thing to do. I'm bone weary. But, I'd had seven years of good counseling and 4 years of 'no contact.' I think that anyone not prepared, would have found it too much to bear. It almost did me in. I wouldn't recommend it, and no one should feel bad if they cannot do the same.

      What I discovered was my own courage. I exposed her several times. I, with the help of God's love and strength, and a couple of strong helpers, had victory over evil.

      Your blog is a victory too. Your life and your generosity in sharing your experience is doing good in the world, perhaps even saving lives. I don't even think that's hyperbolic.

      You've done something else too. You've turned your NM's life into something useful and productive. That is overcoming at it's finest.

      Thank you.

      1. I can't express how relieved I am at coming to this site tonite and reading the above. I am dealing with exactly the same difficulties - and am just so relieved to read that I haven't imagined what has happened to me my entire life. Thank you both for your insight!

    2. As the scapegoat daughter of a narcissistic mother, thank you from the bottom of my heart to Gail Meyers and this amazing, compassionate blog! Blessings also to the two previous commenters. My narc mother spent a lifetime trying to destroy my very spirit, my self-esteem, my sexuality - you name it, she denigrated and humiliated every aspect about me for decades! It goes without saying that I am an adult survivor of physical and verbal child abuse, thanks to a mother who often reminded me that she had never wanted me.

      My hateful mother's death literally released me from a lifelong Stockholm-like Syndrome of denial and repression. So it is extremely validating to read articles like this on this blog to know that I am not alone, am not "crazy" - and someone out there UNDERSTANDS. (Although I also am so sorry for all of you who equally had to endure this type of horrible emotional pain!)

      Thank you again, Gail, for being such an eloquent voice on our behalf!

      1. Thank you, Anonymous. My heart goes out to you. It is validating, but tragic just how many of us there are who do understand. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences.

    3. she'd laughed at me for years when i hsve brought ip the idea of a boyfriend. as a teen, i was aftaid to allow men to find me attractive. Slowly, i have noticed how she treats me. Never occired yo me to look to her as the source of my depression,lack of motivation,dirty hot worse when she became sick. Constant raging when i don't follow her schedule,sudden announcement of doctor's appointment. At work,waiting for the other shoe to drop and feeling paralized to do my work,and when i take her to this doctor or that,too drain to focus. Bad mouthing me when i can't make it. But...when i try to help, can i explain it? She mmakes it hatd for me to help. My sister an i got along fine until she moved in w mom following her divorce. our conflict revolve around me as if i'm the mean one. Now they both deem me selfish. And my sister saus the cruelest things. Mom had a blank satisfied look while my sister does. Each time Mom and I have a conflict,and I reac out for my sister for an unrelated issue,my sister is so cold yowards me. It's a maddening,lonely way of life as if...i am the problem, with no seeming no way of escape. As a child,young teen, I would hold my head and scream or cry while she stared at me curiously and coldly.
      The stronger i am,the more i feel punished. I can't find the words as I type this. She has moments of kindness and I feel so badly. And i feel that she has gone to bat for me and who else would be there gor me. She has always told us,us versus the world. I owe her a lot. I feel badly for her. And seeing her through others' eyes,she looks so vulnerable,i want yo pfotect her. But when she is's confusing. And who would believe me?

      1. I could have written this. All through my life she has made me feel as if her existence hung on me doing what she wanted. She would literally talk like I was out to physically kill her for making decisions that didn't include her. I am 32, with 3 kids and a husband still living with her. She has turned my whole family against me. Idk how I have been so blind. I don't even know this woman .

    4. It seems that triangulation is one of the main techniques that Narcissistic mothers use in families. I can well relate to Anon. above with her sister. Destroying the natural relations between siblings is grist for their mill. Of course, this is obvious when the stratification in a dysfunctional family falls down to scapegoat vs. golden child. I remember my 94 year old mother (who is still alive and kicking) saying: "you won't believe what your siblings are saying about you." Interesting because I hadn't seen them for over 10 contact at all. They were loyal narcissists in training.

      The fear and trepidation that children feel in a dysfunctional and narcissist run home is really unbalancing. We never know where we are in the family, and this imbalance is what the narcissist parent wants. If they keep us guessing, unbalanced, they gain power from this. It is such an abusive and sadistic behavior on the part of adults. It just feeds their very sick ego.

      I know...we cling onto those short, brief, random moments of 'kindness'. That is because we are so desperate for any form of love....but this is again just a weapon in their arsenal. They very much know how to manipulate. And forget anything that is assumed to be a boundary. As children, we were just branches off her (their) trees, and didn't deserve privacy or boundaries.

    5. A nod to the above entry...Myself and so many others believe you. For a child, it's psychological torture to hold the reality of abuse together with a mother who looks so vulnerable or pitiful. One is going to be a lie, until we realize that the liar is our NM. In order to keep this attachment bond alive we have to deny ourselves. I knew from an early age that something was wrong with her but I would minimize, rationalize and blame myself before accusing her. My NM reminded me every day of my life that I wasn't the daughter she wanted. I didn't look like her, I didn't act like her (thank God), I wasn't as "good" as she was. Sounds like a narcissist, doesn't it? It wasn't until I was 44 that I walked away for good. A death in the family brought us back in touch for about a year. I had changed but she had not. I am back in complete NC. My GC brother will be the one to take care of her for the remainder of her pathetic life.

    6. Finding this has come at just the right time. Instead of a mother though my issue is with my father. I am a 37 year old female. I was mentally and emotionally abused by my dad and sexually by an uncle that I never told anyone about. My dad growing up was very belittling, demeaning, nothing I did was right. All verbal and mental which I think could be worse at times than physical. I had no self esteem so as soon as I could I graduated, got married and moved out. Thank God for my poor husband of 17 years I have no idea how he deals with me sometimes. The main issue is my dad owns a company and at 21 for some unknown reason I went to work for him. 16 years later I feel stuck here. The verbal and mental abuse still goes on daily but I feel like he needs me here like the business cant run without me some stupid obligation to continue to do this at my own expense. I am anxious, irritated, upset crying all of the time because I care about him but I dont get that in return. My mom is cold and bitter probably because he did the same to her and she works here too. Its just so toxic. I had a job interview yesterday with an amazing company. The pay is as much as it has taken me to make here in 16 years. Full benefits, retirement etc. Here I have none of that, no future at all but for some stupid reason I struggle with leaving. I blame the issues on myself like its not as bad as I make it seem. But in all reality it is. I feel like a soldier that goes to battle everyday. Thanks for this blog and thanks for listening...

    7. In my case the captor was not only my narcissistic mother, but my enabling father as well. The necessity of going no-contact with my mother was clear. The fact that she is a full-blown narcissist removed potential arguments for maintaining contact.

      However, disconnecting from an enabling father who is weak and often kind has been much more challenging. I see him as both a victim and a perpetrator. I never identified much with my mother, but I do identify with the various traits, and victim status of my father.

      It's not no-contact that is the difficulty. The difficulty lies in changing the beliefs and behaviors that were enforced because, without awareness and confronting yourself, those things live on even without contact.

      1. ... your statement so succinctly describes my own experience, I am astounded. Thank you x

    8. Hi Gail,
      I just want you to know I find your website really helpful & the most informative of all websites on narcissistic personality disorder. When I read of your experiences which mirror my own life & family experences it was like a grace from God. You inspire me and keep me going with the experiences you have shared. I'm 37 years old and my family are just like yours. I have been battling my narcissistic family for years to keep them out of my life & protect my two children a boy aged 18 & daughter aged 11. I failed,... My son has been in contact with them for several years which I found out since his behaviour changed towards me. His father took his own life when my son was 9 years old. He'd been in a new relationship for several years but still collected our son every weekend. My ex took his own life on my sons 9th birthday. My son had been waiting by the window for him to arrive with his birthday presents, he never came. I just wish the world would end I'm so tired. I grew up with two sisters & two brothers until I was thrown out in the snow aged 11. I was then taken into local authority care where I was abused even more. Approx Two years ago in England news headlines across the globe highlighted 1,400 children sexually abused... ( I was one of them) The Majority of girls abused were in local authority care. The figure is much higher more like 2,000 children, I feel consumed with pain & depression my life is killing me.. My Mother is likely a sociopath than a narcissist. She's evil to the core. You are such a courageous woman and I Thank you so much for providing validation that I wasn't crazy after all. Please Take Care X

      1. Hello, Gillan. Thank you for taking the time to share some of your story. I am sorry for your pain.

      2. Gillian, my heart is so heavy after reading your post. You've endured a lifetime of pain. My husband committed suicide, my siblings went NC and I, the trauma-bonded, Stockholm Syndrome victim am still taking care of my 87 year old mothers every need. My father diedied and she couldn't live on her own so she's in my home like a cancer, trying to destroy my marriage and raging like the spoiled brat she is. I'm 63 and don't know what peace feels like. She kidnapped my soul and stole my life.

    9. My stepdaughter has this type of relationship with her mother and it has been difficult for me because I know what is wrong, but I feel as though my hands are tied. She has a very strong bond with her mom and even if she confides in me, I always have to watch what I say because despite that she cries to me about the treatment her mother gives her (which is mental, emotional, and may be sometimes physical) my stepdaughter will always go back and tell her mom everything. So I don't take sides and I try to have them deal with issues because I don't want to be a part of her mother's volatile game.

      More recently, I believe that her mother is preventing her from spending time with my husband and making her give him excuses that she conjures up. We just met my stepdaughter at the beginning of this year and everything was fine up until about a month or so ago when my stepdaughter fought with her mom and stayed with us for a week. It is my belief that her mom realized that my stepdaughter was absolutely fine with us and became enraged because my stepdaughter refused to go back to her mom's or maybe she even became jealous. Now my stepdaughter is avoiding spending time with us and always has an excuse especially on my husband's days off.

      I know the reason she came to see us for the first time was because she needed college tuition and I am fine with that because my husband decided that he wanted nothing to do with her mother and unfortunately my stepdaughter got caught in the middle, so I feel that he owes it to her to help her. But it just hurts to know that her mom is playing games with all of us for college tuition and money.

      Thank you for your blog. It helped me to better understand a few things. I just wish that my stepdaughter could be free to do as she wishes rather than allow her mother to manipulate and dictate her. I also wish I could help her, but I feel like it is difficult to make her see how wrong her mom treats her even though she has seen and experienced the way I treat her and my daughters.

    10. Wow, I'm kind of blown away to finally realize that I was and am not the problem, as my mother would try and succeed in making me believe I was and am. It's refreshing like a burden has been lifted. I used to think I wouldn't be free, so to speak, until she died. I realize that's not the case,I just have a lot of work to do to better myself because I tend to attract sociopaths and narcissists. All because of what I've been through in life. Thanks for your post, I needed this so much!

    11. Wow, I'm kind of blown away to finally realize that I was and am not the problem, as my mother would try and succeed in making me believe I was and am. It's refreshing like a burden has been lifted. I used to think I wouldn't be free, so to speak, until she died. I realize that's not the case,I just have a lot of work to do to better myself because I tend to attract sociopaths and narcissists. All because of what I've been through in life. Thanks for your post, I needed this so much!

    12. My NM died 3 months ago ,after 41 years of living under her vicious venom . I managed to escape from her a few years ago , she controlled me not allowing me to even live alone .I escaped under pretences of a " course for my job " at the time and just never returned home , I arranged a transfer she was oblivious of , packed a bag intended for a weekend and never looked back . I had to start my life from scratch , supported by amazing friends and a sister who escaped 20 years prior to my escape she was 18 @ the time of her escape( far braver than i am ) .

      There is not enough pages here for me to tell u all she put me through ... You probably wouldn't believe most of it .

      But shes dead , her evil is now gone forever . She can never hurt us again .

      Thats all thst counts .. She can never hurt us again .


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