Narcissism: Echo Apologetics on Facebook All of the latest from Narcissism: Echo Apologetics 2019 with Gail Meyers and KC3Lady including an update regarding Narcissism: Echo Apologetics on Facebook (previously Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother Facebook Resource Page) at the end of this posting. The Sins of the Fathers by KC3Lady Drive out the scoffer, and contention will go out, even strife and dishonor will cease. - Proverbs 22:10 There once was a young man who was dear to my heart. He aspired to become a pastor. Unfortunately, it appears the deadly cults and their members targeted him as a teenager. Over the following decades every aspect of his young life came under relentless attack, always with the goal of the victim internalizing the blame. One aspect of this take down campaign includes grinding their mangled scripture of the Holy Bible into his very heart and soul, determined to crush his faith and spirit, along with his mind and body. This you...
"The Mask Artist Sherit Ra of Deviant Art (now displaying under another artist's name) Tactics of a Narcissistic Mother © by Gail Meyers This insight into narcissistic personality disorder is offered from the perspective more than 40 years spent as the daughter of a narcissistic personality disordered mother, as well as years of recovery and raising awareness. Reading a list of diagnostic traits of narcissistic personality disorder may be a helpful guide, but this is how some of those traits played out in my personal experience in everyday life. Narcissism Eleanor D. Payson, MSW Quote | Source In the words of Eleanor D. Payson, MSW and author of The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists, "The word narcissism in its most fundamental sense means a tendency to self-worship." However, narcissistic personality personality disorder is a serious condition that can be especially damaging to the children. It is not...